HDTC Electing Delegates for June State Convention March 1st

All registered Hopkinton Democrats invited

Hopkinton, MA. February 26, 2018: The Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee (HDTC) is holding its caucus for the June 1st and 2nd Massachusetts State Convention on Thursday, March 1 at 6:30 PM at the Hopkinton Senior Center, 28 Mayhew Street, Hopkinton. All registered Hopkinton Democrats are eligible to be chosen as delegates; they are invited to come to the caucus, where they can meet members of the HDTC, candidates for the May town elections as well as some regional/state candidates.

The convention will be held June 1 – 2 at the DCU center in Worcester. More than five thousand Democratic attendees from across the state are expected to attend. At the convention, state Democrats will endorse a slate of state candidates and finalize its 2018 platform.

The Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee mission is to foster and sustain an active, informed electorate; encourage citizen participation in government as elected and appointed officials; strengthen the local Democratic Party, both in numbers and in sense of purpose; and work in conjunction with the State and National Democratic Party to secure freedom and justice for people everywhere. HDTC meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month, at 6:30 PM at the Hopkinton Senior Center. Meetings are open to all.

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