Help Us Govern Hopkinton

The Town of Hopkinton is encouraging all residents who are interested in helping govern Hopkinton to apply now to any board of committee. If you have been curious or interested in giving your time, expertise or perspective on behalf of your community, now is an excellent time to get involved!

Please visit for a full listings of all Boards, Committees and Commissions. Each entity has a full membership listing, charge and a unique website link full of information and activities on relevant topics. Many board and committee memberships will expire very soon, so if you are interested in any committee now is the time to throw your hat in the ring!

In order to be considered for the annual June appointment cycle by the Selectmen, please apply no later than Monday, June 9th.

We encourage all residents to also take note of a new committee, the Downtown Initiative Civic Advisory Group, that has been recently formed by the Selectmen. The Downtown Initiative Civic Advisory Group will host five (5) At-Large seats; please read linked committee charge for more information:

NEW! 2014 Downtown Initiative Civic Advisory Group

To apply for a any volunteer position on any Board or Committee, please visit the Town’s website and fill out the online volunteer form at: Interested parties may also visit the Board of Selectmen’s Office to fill out an application in person or call the office to have staff assist in applying.

For more information or questions about a Board or Committee, please visit the committee website and contact the respective Board or Committee Chairperson, or call Jamie Hellen, Operation’s Assistant to the Town Manager’s Office, at 508-497-9700 who can assist in any interested volunteer get in touch with a committee representative.

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