Help Your Teen Get Better Organized

Is your teenager a little disorganized? If so, she’s normal. She probably has more responsibilities than ever before, and juggling them can be difficult. Here are some ways you can help:

~Choose a regular time and place for homework. Help your teen decide when and where she is most productive. (In front of the television is not an option.)
~Encourage your teen to make daily to-do lists. They’re great reminders, and it feels good to cross off finished tasks.
~Use a portable timer. Set it when your teen has trouble sticking to a schedule, such as during phone calls or while doing homework.
~Teach your teen to break large tasks into small parts. For example, if she has a book report due in two weeks, have her plan and schedule each step she’ll need to take to complete it.
~Have your teen clean out her backpack at least once a week. If she does this over the weekend, she’ll start each week organized.
~Establish regular routines. For example, your teen might brush her teeth, lay out clothes for the next day and pack her backpack before bed.
~Set a good example. If you’re organized, your teen is more likely to be organized, too.

brought to you by
Hopkinton Middle School

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