Herr Loses 3rd District to Lamb

Although it was close in the early part of the evening and again later in the night as the final results came in, Brian Herr, former chairman of the Board of Selectmen, was not able to edge out Holliston real estate attorney Marty Lamb in the Republican race for representative in the 3rd Congressional District.

At Herr campaign headquarters, the Hopkinton results were in first where Herr was the winner by a wide margin, garnering 998 votes to Lamb’s 116, followed by Michael Stopa with 77, Robert Delle with 14 and Robert Chipman with only 8 votes. Herr was also the winner in some of Hopkinton’s surrounding towns, including Ashland, Northborough, Southborough and Clinton.

“For the first time in years, we can get excited about this race,” said Robi Blute, one of Herr’s supporters.

But Republicans hoping to see Rep. Jim McGovern unseated in November will now have to focus their hopes on Lamb who emerged victorious in last night’s race in the 3rd Congressional District.

To see the final vote breakdown by town, click here (external link).

McGovern congratulated Lamb on his win late last night in a press release and challenged his opponents in November to a round of debates.

“I congratulate Marty Lamb on his hard-fought victory in the Republican primary. I look forward to the campaign over the next 48 days, one that will focus on the issues, experience and vision for the future of the 3rd Congressional District,” said McGovern. “I call on both of my opponents to join me in a series of debates around the district to allow the voters to hear our competing views for moving communities forward.”

Incumbent Jim McGovern will face Republican Marty Lamb and Independent Patrick Barron of Shrewsbury in November.

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