HHS Response to Newtown Tragedy

All of us have been affected by the tragic events that took place a Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT on Friday. As educators, these events hit close to home because we can so easily identify with teachers and administrators that would do anything to protect the children that they work with. As parents, we know that these type of events give you great cause for concern regarding the welfare of your own children.

This morning, we had a moment of silence at the high school to remember those who died. We also conveyed to the students our concern and care for them and their well being and stressed to them the importance of following the safety procedures already in place at our school. Today, our Crisis Response Team will meet to review existing safety protocols and ensure that we are doing all we can to follow these protocols. Protocols are reviewed with students at the beginning of every year during advisories and regular drills are conducted in partnership with local first responders to ensure that students know the proper procedures to follow in event of an emergency. Teachers and staff all have knowledge of these plans and know their roles.

There are many resources available to help you as parents, if you are concerned about your child’s well being. First and foremost, our counseling department is the best resource. Please contact your child’s counselor if you have any concerns about how your child may be dealing with this tragedy. Children who are emotionally fragile or have experienced recent losses may be particularly at risk. Second, here are some links that provide helpful information about how to talk to your children about this kind of event.

National Association of School Psychologists | Talking to Children about Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers

The American Academy of Pediatrics | School Shootings
National Association of School Psychologists on Talking to Children About Violence
University of Minnesota | Talking to Kids About Violence Against Kids
Common Sense Media | Explaining the News To Our Kids

As always, the teachers and staff at HHS are here to help in any way we can. Please feel free to call or email me, Mr. Bishop or Mr. Ghosh if you have any questions or concerns about school safety or your child’s well being.


Alyson Geary

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