Get out your fancy hats and white gloves and enjoy old-fashioned geniality at the special High Tea being held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (61 Wood Street, Hopkinton) on Saturday, June 9 at 2:30 p.m. Finger sandwiches, cakes from Kati’s Cakes, assorted soft drinks and, of course, tea, will be served at this exceptional event, which will benefit the St. Paul’s Organ fund. The event is open to the public (formal dress is optional).
Tickets are available for a donation of $20 each by mailing a check to St. Paul’s Church, 61 Wood Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748. Tickets will be on sale until May 30; there will be no tickets sold at the door.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is called to be an embracing, nourishing and life-giving family in Christ. St. Paul’s members believe they are called to care for each other, for the community and for the world. For more information call 508-435-4536 or visit St. Paul’s website at