Historic District Talk & Walk Friday May 18th at 10:30am

Hopkinton Center Historic District Commission will be hosting a representative from the Massachusetts Historical Commission at the Hopkinton Public Library on Friday, May 18 at 10:30 AM. Christopher C. Skelly, Director of Local Government Programs will give a presentation called “Establishing or Expanding Local Historic Districts.” The 90-minute talk will be held in the library conference room in the historic part of the building. The talk will be followed by a walking tour of the Hopkinton Center Historic District. Members of the public are welcome to join us.

Historic Districts in Massachusetts have three major purposes, as stated in Ch. 40C of Massachusetts General Law: 1.) To preserve and protect the distinctive characteristics of buildings and places significant to the history of the Commonwealth and its cities and towns; 2.) To maintain and improve the settings of those buildings and places; 3.) To encourage new designs compatible with existing buildings in the district.

The Hopkinton Center Historic District was established by the townspeople in 1979, and it consists primarily of properties surrounding the Town Common, the Common itself, and properties along the south side of Main Street, ending near the corner of Grove Street. A small portion of East Main Street is also included. In recent years, Center School and the Town Hall have been added to the district. The Hopkinton Center Historic District Commission is the reviewing authority responsible for regulating design within the Hopkinton Center Historic District.

Questions? Amy Ritterbusch hdcchair@hopkintonma.gov 508-904-1206

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