The Hopkinton Middle School Drama Club is proud to announce their fall 2015 production, It All Starts Here, an original play about the people of Hopkinton. The show goes up Friday, December 4th and Saturday, December 5th at 7 PM in the HMS Auditorium.
There is something for everyone in It All Starts Here, a play in three short acts that features historical vignettes and modern-day stories of the people of Hopkinton. Written largely by the students to celebrate Hopkinton’s 300th anniversary, the show is about a young teen named Thomas who moves into Hopkinton on the eve of the 2015 marathon with his single mom, no friends, and a bad attitude. He meets some other kids who are locals, and they begin telling him about the town.
Historical scenes unfold as they speak, and Thomas learns not only history but also meets modern-day citizens who are both longtime locals and who have come to Hopkinton from other places. As we get into the morning of the marathon and then the time right before the race, we meet people who give their
perspective on the town and on their journey here, and how each person enriches Hopkinton. Gradually, as the race is about to begin, Thomas learns that he is not alone, and that no matter where you might come from, it all really starts right here.
Featuring history, modern-day citizens, photo and movement montages of Hopkinton’s past and present, comedy, drama, a touch of romance, cheerleading, songs, dance, an original song written for the show by eighth-grader Victoria Kray, and of course the start of the race, this show aims to educate, entertain, and remind us all that home is where the heart is.
It All Starts Here features a cast and crew of over 100 talented young performers, featuring either-graders Ben Morey-Beale as Thomas, Mary Lauren Burke as his mom, Bailey Marlowe as his new love interest, Fletcher Clark, Linnea Pappas-Byers, Rebecca Gallant, Jessica Franchock, Natalie Beck, Emily Harris, Ashley Wu as the first kids Thomas meets who narrate the show, Ethan Ritterbusch as the historical Reverend Barrett, Haley Goldner , Marissa Camillucci, Nicole Sheeran, Victoria Kray, and Laci Keating as narrators and 18th-century Society ladies, and Sara Weissinger as Lady Frankland and modern-day citizen Kathy Curry. The cast also features seventh-grader Tony Weissinger as Daniel Shays and modern-day Teddy Edgar, Zack Blair as Lord Frankland and a Marathon official, Gwen Clark as a Narrator and Society lady, Aidan Medeiros as a Narrator and a famous Marathoner, Jessica Applebaum as Barrett’s wife, Lizzy Foti as Annette Proudman, Elana Regan and Amelia Bashy as HMS Vice Principals Maryellen Grady and Ann Benbeneck, and Dylan Morin as Officer Phil Powers. Many, many other characters and students are featured as both historical and modern-day citizens. Managing all of this backstage with a crew of 40 students are eighth grade stage managers Heather Sivo and Tyler Rhodes, aided by assistant stage managers Matt Burdick, Philip Blanchette, and Natalie Umans.
It All Starts Here will be performed Friday, December 4th and Saturday, December 5th at 7:00 PM in the HMS Auditorium. Tickets are $10 for students and $12 for adults, with a $2 per ticket per donation discount with a donation to the Project Just Because Holiday program. Especially needed are NEW gift items and NEW warm items for teens! Donations must be made at time of purchase. Tickets will be on sale during rehearsals the week of the show, as well as at the door. We hope to see you there!