HOP Youth Coalition hosting a Youth Leadership, Advocacy, and Resiliency training at the Town Hall

On Tuesday August 8th and Thursday, August 10th, the HOP Youth Coalition will be hosting a Youth Leadership, Advocacy, and Resiliency training at the Town Hall. This event is free and dinner will be provided both nights.

Service hours will be awarded to those in attendance. Please see the attached flyer or this link to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsrWIXqIARYjH1itxARkjpKwvNRGg…

This interactive training will run from 4:00-7:00 in the Lower Level Conference room. Feel free to invite a friend! All high school students are welcome.

If you have any questions, please contact either Colleen Souza at csouza@hopkintonma.gov or Cassandra Bigness at cbigness@hopkintonma.gov

If you are interested in joining an interactive self care Summer program (for FREE) see the attached flyer).

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