Hope through Community: Words and Images in Response to a Global Pandemic on Dec 4th!

We are delighted to announce our Virtual Book Launch for the book, Hope Through
Community: Words and Images in Response to a Global Pandemic, to celebrate our newly
released publication on Friday, December 4th, 7-8:30 PM broadcasting on HCAM-TV.

This event is a celebration of a book of HOPE that has been written by community members and
published in the year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our brand-new book will be celebrated on live cable television hosted by HCAM-TV. The book
launch will include an exciting community-minded reading of poems and stories and the
performance of a few songs as well. The event will also provide an excellent opportunity to meet
the contributing writers and celebrate this collective collaboration as we come to the end of this
challenging year of 2020.

Here is the link to the program as an invitation to “save the date” and join our celebration:
https://youtu.be/dI3xepRbgP0. Please, feel free to share it with all your friends.

We hope to see you there at this upcoming book launch event, where we can be together at least
virtually to celebrate on December 4th!
With much gratitude,

Cynthia Franca and Cheryl Perreault
The Editors

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