The Hopkins 5th grade talent show will be held Friday March 31 from 7:00pm-9:00pm at the middle school. This years proceeds will directly benefit Hopkins school for new enrichment programs and activities. Doors open 6:30pm. Tickets are $5.00 available at the door.
Fifth graders have been working hard since January preparing a variety of acts. This year we welcome over 70 amazing performers and over 20 fifth graders working behind the scenes to help raise money for their school.
Performances include soloists, group vocals, a game show, dancing, comedy show, art displays, pianists, magicians, rubiks cube wizadry and so much more.
“This is such a great event to help children gain confidence” said Sherri Galego, co-chair of the 5th grade talent show. “They choose their own act and rehearse on their own entirely outside of school, We’ve had a couple rehearsals and it’s amazing to see how far these kids have come and how hard they’ve all been working.”
The talent show still has two small sponsorship levels available. If you are interested, please contact Sherri Galego.