Hopkinton Band Recognized at Jazz Festival

Dear Parents and Students,

I am pleased to announce that this year’s Jazz Ensemble was the first in Hopkinton’s history to be named an honorable mention at the 40th annual Clark Terry Jazz Festival. This festival is incredibly competitive and this result places us in the top four bands of the 19 that competed as seen by the fantastic judges panel at UHN yesterday. Our clinic was run by Tom Pallance, director of Jazz Studies at Salem State University. Tom was impressed by the mature feel and overall sound of our band and helped give some new ideas to help refine our sound. The kids were able to view several incredible performances and workshops with both the UNH faculty rhythm section and guest stars Bobby Shew and Bob Sheppard. I want to thank all the students for their tireless efforts this year in dedicating themselves to early morning rehearsals and sectionals. You have truly set the standard future jazz groups here in Hopkinton will attempt to emulate. I also want to thank all of the parents for your incredible support in transporting equipment, early morning drop-offs, and the willingness to make a place for Jazz Education in your lives. The music department here in Hopkinton is lucky to have such a supportive parent base. We look forward to sharing these experiences with you at Jazz Night on 4/13 and again at the Pops concert in May.

Thanks Again!

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