The Hopkinton Fire Chief Search Committee has been formed and held its first official meeting on Thursday, September 10. Members are John Mosher, Hopkinton Selectman; Chris LeClaire, Fire Chief of Newburyport, MA; Norman Khumalo, Hopkinton Town Manager; Maria Casey, Hopkinton Human Resources Director and Bob Levenson, Chair Hopkinton Personnel Committee (Chair).
“I’m honored to be a part of this committee which is tasked with filling the very big shoes of Chief Ken Clark,” said Levenson. “Guiding principles will include thoroughness and transparency. While we want to identify the best candidates, both inside and outside the department as quickly as possible, we will not sacrifice quality for speed. The job is too important for the Town. Our goal is to find the most qualified candidates who would best fit
here in Hopkinton and lead an already outstanding department.”
Chief LeClaire stated “I was happy to be asked to be part of this process. The members of the Hopkinton Fire Department deserve a great leader to guide them into the future.” Levenson added “Chief LeClaire has served as part of several Fire Chief Selection processes throughout New England and has over 29 years experience in the fire services in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.”
Next steps for the Committee are to finalize the application materials and begin receiving resumes, as well as meet with members of the Fire Department to help inform the process.
The Committee hopes to conclude its work in January.