Hello Friends,
I hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe and well.
These past two months have been quite a challenging time for our community, our country, and our world.
We believe that our words of poetry and story, when shared, can serve to uplift, inspire and empower us.
Therefore, my visionary poet friend Cynthia Franca and I would like to invite community to submit poems and stories
for a new project to promote community resilience and uplift.
What poems have you written to get yourself/others feeling lifted and hopeful in hard times?
What stories have you offered to help people get through pain, grief and suffering?
We would love to receive a submission from you.
Please see the details and call for submissions letter below.
And take very good care each day.
With very best wishes,
Cheryl Perreault
Announcing ” Hopkinton & Beyond – Words of Hope that Connect Us in Challenging Times.”
We are asking for submissions of poems and stories that offer hope and reinforce the feeling of resilience
and optimism among us in contrast to so much bad news.
This project will invite those interested to submit poetry (original)
as well as your true stories (up to 500 words) by residents and friends of Hopkinton.
You are welcome to invite your friends from near and far to submit as well.
All poems and true stories submitted will be reviewed and selected for possible airing/publishing on this website and on HCAM-TV
(located in Hopkinton, MA).
We will follow-up with details to get these poems and stories for consideration of later compiling for an “Anthology of Hope” we would like to eventually create.
We would like to use the project to help lift spirits as one community with words of hope that can be shared from our home
and Cable TV Station in Hopkinton and out to the world beyond as well. We have already received a submission from Australia!
Consider making a submission as community member and perhaps also invite a friend from near or far (another country) to present words of hope as a global community.
Please send submissions via email to hopkintongenerationbook@gmail.com
Virtual Hugs,
Cheryl Perreault and Cynthia Franca
Coordinators of Hopkinton & Beyond- Words of Hope that Connect Us in Challenging Times Project