Hopkinton Center for the Arts Liquor License Public Hearing Tuesday March 1st

On March 1st at 8pm, the Board of Selectmen are hosting a public hearing regarding the Hopkinton Center for the Arts application for an all-liquor license. The HCA hopes to obtain a license that would allow the facility to serve alcohol from 5pm-11pm Monday-Thursday, 10am-11pm Sunday, 5pm-12am Friday and 10am-12am Saturdays.

The HCA would offer the option to purchase alcoholic beverages ONLY during a scheduled service event and not during all the hours applied for on a daily basis as they clarified in the following statement;

“First, we are requesting that the Selectmen limit the HCA’s hours of alcohol service so that service is only in conjunction with scheduled HCA events that may occur during the requested hours of operation. This was our intent all along, and we want to make it clear we are not seeking to have regular daily alcohol service hours. We offer The Center for Arts in Natick (TCAN) as an example of how a neighboring local licensing authority issued a liquor license in circumstances similar to ours.”

You can view the full itinerary for the meeting by clicking the file link above.