Hopkinton Center for the Arts to Offer Education Programs, Center Sees Marked Growth in Curriculum and Selections

The Hopkinton Center for the Arts has announced open enrollment for its fall arts education programs, which include offerings in art, dance, film, music and theater for ages 3-adult. Classes begin the week of September 15, 2014 and take place at the historic farmhouse located at 98 Hayden Rowe St., Hopkinton.

This season’s upcoming programs include dozens of options, including many class options in the visual and performing arts that are new to the organization’s roster of programs. “We are focused on widening the scope of our programs to meet our mission’s aims and to fully realize our future, especially in light of our capital improvements,” said Kris Waldman, artistic director. “There are a number of new classes this fall, and many of our returning programs have been given a refreshed curriculum,” continued Waldman.

The HCA is amidst of significant period of growth, marked by the ongoing capital campaign and construction of a new regional arts facility. As such, the programmatic options at the HCA have been expanding steadily to provide more variety across artistic genres, as well as to better serve all ages.

Included in the programming is a newly designed ballet dance program led by regionally renowned instructor Nathalie Navert, and classes in acting, drawing, music theory, filmmaking, photography, oil painting and cartooning. There are also options to study private art or music topics, or to be a part of production workshops sponsored by the HCA’s resident theater company Enter Stage Left Theater.

Individuals interested in learning more about the HCA and its programming can visit their organization’s website at www.hopartscenter.org or by calling 508-435-9222 or emailing info@hopartscenter.org.

About the Hopkinton Center for the Arts:
The Hopkinton Center for the Arts cultivates an inclusive and vibrant community committed to the exploration and enjoyment of the visual and performing arts throughout Hopkinton and the Metrowest region.

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