The last invitational cheerleading competition was held over the weekend at the Whitman-Hanson Invitational meet in Whitman MA. The Hopkinton Cheerleaders finished very strong, taking first place in their division, besting several other teams from the eastern Massachusetts.
Now it’s on to the South Regional Championship next weekend, November 17, at Dartmouth HS, Dartmouth MA., Time: TBA. The Hopkinton Cheerleaders will be going up against some of the best cheer squads in Southern MA. Then it’s on to the State Championships.
Come and support this fantastic group of girls…. Speaking of which, lets meet them: First Row, left to right; Amanda Donahue, Sarah Roberts, Heather Clark, Ashley Poillucci, and Meredith Prunty. Middle Row, from left to right; Emily Sheridan, Maia Guelfi, Rachel Demore, Savannah Schultz, Kimberly Cardillo, Lauren Cameron and Victoria Wauters. Third Row, left to right; Alexandra Balerna, Lauren Kimura, Kelsey Marcou, Michelle Horrigan, Brooke Bellar, Abbey Druffner, Natalie Shambo and Jaimey Zepf.
Photo, John Cardillo