Hopkinton Community Workshop on Wednesday, February 13th 2019


If you don’t know us, we’re a group of community-centric folks looking for ways to connect, empower and promote organizations like yours. We’re called the Community Communications Group, hello!

We’d like to invite you to attend a fun and informative workshop we’re holding in February.

At this workshop we aim to:

Get to meet you, say hello, and provide an opportunity to meet members from other organizations.
Tell you about opportunities to promote your organization to Hopkinton through our television station HCAM-TV (also a community organization).
Have a discussion about what can help you survive and thrive in our community.

This workshop will be held at HCAM, and we look forward to seeing you there, having some snacks, and working together!
Please RSVP to: jim@hcam.tv by Sunday, February 10, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 7:00-8:30 pm
77 Main Street

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