Hopkinton Continues Search for New Fire Chief

The Hopkinton Fire Department Chief Search Committee announced that it received eighteen applications for the Chief’s position, nine of which were from out of state. “After a thorough review of each application, we have extended invitations for first round interviews to seven candidates,” said Bob Levenson, Chair of the committee.

“We are very pleased with the quality of the candidates,” said Chris LeClaire, the Newburyport, MA Fire Chief and a member of the committee.

Following the interviews, the committee will decide on next steps, which could include a final round of interviews, as well as an assessment center. The outcome will be a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen. Added Levenson, “I’m confident that we will meet our goal of having a new Chief chosen by our January deadline.”

Along with LeClaire and Levenson, the committee includes John Mosher, Hopkinton Board of Selectmen, Norman Khumalo, Hopkinton Town Manager, and Maria Casey, Town of Hopkinton Director of Human Resources.

Said Chief LeClaire: “As we’ve said, our guiding principles are transparency and thoroughness. This is the best way to ensure that we find the most qualified candidate who would best fit in Hopkinton and lead this great department.”

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