Hopkinton Democratic Caucus

Democrats in Hopkinton will hold a caucus on Wednesday, February 27 at 7pm at the Hopkinton Fire Station, 73 Main Street in Hopkinton. The purpose of the caucus is to elect delegates to the Massachusetts Democratic Party’s 2013 Platform Convention. All registered Democrats in Hopkinton (as of 12/31/12 through 2/27/13) are eligible to participate and to be elected as delegates or alternates.

The caucus is open to the public and the press.

“At our 2013 convention, the delegates selected by [TOWN] Democrats will debate and adopt our platform for the next four years, catch up and network with other organizers around the Commonwealth and hear from some exciting future leaders of our party,” said Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair John Walsh.

The convention will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at the Mass Mutual Center in Springfield.

Starting this year, the Massachusetts Democratic Party will also hold a Youth Convention for high school organizers.

The Hopkinton Democratic Caucus will elect 8 delegates and 3 alternates to the 2013 Massachusetts Democratic Convention. Delegates will be divided equally between men and women. Those not elected as Delegate and/or Alternate, who meet the qualifications, may apply to be add-on delegates in the following categories: youth, minority, and disabled.

For any questions concerning the caucus, please contact Dick Duggan (dduggan47@gmail.com or 508-435-4007).

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