Hopkinton Democrats are CALLED TO CAUCUS!!

Iowa isn’t the only place with caucuses! Local political caucuses are a little appreciated but very important part of the Massachusetts electoral process. Saturday February 11th will be the first chance for registered Democrats in Hopkinton to support the US Senate candidate of their choice.

The caucus will elect delegates to the Massachusetts Democratic State Convention. Those delegates will, in turn, vote at the convention to endorse, and possibly nominate, a US Senate candidate. The candidates currently in the race are:

  • Marisa DeFranco
  • Jim King
  • Elizabeth Warren

You can support the Senate candidate of your choice either by voting for potential convention delegates who support your candidate or by running to be a delegate yourself.

In order to vote or to become a delegate you must:

  • Have been a registered Democrat residing in Hopkinton since 12/31/11
  • Be at the caucus at 10AM sharp on 2/11!
  • The caucus will be at the Hopkinton Fire Station, 73 West Main St. at 10am on Saturday 2/11. Please park behind the office building at 77 West Main and enter the Fire Station through the rear entrance. The caucus will be upstairs. There is an elevator and the room is handicap accessible.

    In addition to the voting, there will likely be one or more of the candidates for the US House of Representatives on hand to chat with attendees.

    Please contact Dick Duggan with any questions at 508-435-4007 or dduggan47@gmail.com.

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