Hopkinton Democrats Called to Caucus

The Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee will hold its caucus for registered Democrats on Friday, April 8th at the Fire Station Meeting Room at 7:30PM.

The purpose of the caucus is to nominate candidates for open positions on town board and committees for the upcoming local election on Monday, May 16, 2011.

“If you are a registered Democrat and are interested in town government, please stop by and help us choose our candidates,” says Corresponding Secretary Richard Duggan, “or toss your hat in the ring to run for office yourself and help direct our local government.”

In addition to the caucus, the Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee will be meeting at 6:30. All registered Democrats are welcome to attend that meeting as well.

If you have any questions about the meeting, the caucus, or running for office, please contact Muriel Kramer, Chairman of the Hopkinton Democratic Town Commitee at 508-435-0477 or Dick Duggan at 508-435-4007 (or dduggan47@gmail.com).

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