At the Hopkinton Democratic Caucus on Friday April 12, Hopkinton Democrats nominated the following individuals for office:
Dr. Bruce Karlin – Town Moderator
Mary Jo LaFreniere – Board of Assessors
Maureen Bumiller – Commissioner of Trust Funds
Pat O’Brien – Constable
The Committee also voted to endorse Congressman Ed Markey in the Democratic Primary for US Senate. This unusual step was taken in accordance with the Committee’s bi-laws by a 2/3 vote.
Members expressed support for Congressman Markey based on his record of strong environmentalism, workplace equality for women, his progressive stand on social issues, and a history of responsiveness to constituent problems and inquiries.
The next meeting of the Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee will be on Monday, May 20 at 7:30pm at Carbone’s Restaurant. All Democrats are welcome.