Hopkinton DPW Director Resigns – UPDATE

HCAM News has confirmed that Brendan O’Regan, Hopkinton’s Director of Public Works, has resigned. No further details are available at this time, but when asked, Town Manager Norman Khumalo said that more details will be available in the next few days. The HCAM News Team will continue to follow this story and will report the facts as soon as they become available.

O’Regan was appointed as Director of Publlic Works in August of 2010, making his stay in Hopkinton a total of approximately five months.

Below is the press release from the Town Manager’s office:

Last week Brendan O’Regan submitted and I have accepted his resignation from his position as Director of Public Works effective February 9, 2011. Mr. O’Regan has accepted a new position in the private sector closer to his home and family. In the short and productive period he has been with the town, Mr. O’Regan ably oversaw the completion of the Fruit Street Force Main project and several public works regulations. The Town greatly benefited from the intellectual rigor and attention to detail he brought to the work of the public works department. I will miss Brendan’s candor, love for the “DPW team” and smile. I wish him the best as he returns to the private sector.

Norman Khumalo
Town Manager