Hopkinton Education Foundation 2018 Grants (Amount – $55,928)!

The Green Zone

This grant develops a positive space for students, PK – 1, to exercise self-regulation, problem solve, develop their communication skills and think critically. This space will provide opportunities for students to focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

School: Marathon
Sponsor Educator: Kelly Pickens
Amount: $2,359

SELebration Station

Creating a SELebration Station at Hopkins will create a flexible, resource rich environment to foster social-emotional well being along with academics. This will transform the current library into a flexible techno-library with mobile resources and a student-centered environment.

School: Hopkins
Sponsor Educator: Stephanie Doty
Amount: $11,046

Adopting Next Generation Science “Space” in the Classroom

With the implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards curriculum which focuses on project based collaborative science investigation, having access to a physical space, which safely accommodates experiments, is critical. Flexibility in the classroom enhances collaboration, hands on/minds on learning and improves safety in the science classroom. This grant implements new flexible workspaces to create a dynamic learning environment for students.

School: HMS
Sponsor Educator: Laura Kirshenbaum
Amount: $13,973

Making A Difference Through Peer Training

This grants funds “A World of Difference Institute Peer Training Program” for Middle and High School Students offered through the Anti-Defamation League. This will provide a diverse group of students in grades 7-12 with the opportunity to facilitate and sustain positive social change in the schools. With the changing demographics in the schools and town, this is an innovative approach to helping students become culturally respectful global citizens.

School: HMS/ HHS
Sponsor Educator: Ann Benbenek
Amount: $16,375
Stephen Gray Innovation Grant


This grant is designed to create a physical education class to inspire students with a non-traditional PE experience. Combining rhythm and music to achieve increased cardiovascular health and muscular endurance takes physical education to another level both physically and mentally.

School: HHS
Sponsor Educator: Karen Renaud
Amount: $4,175

High School Therapy Dog

This grant provides a unique opportunity for Hopkinton High School to continue to be a leader in attending to the social emotional well being of students while addressing the ever increasing reported student stress levels. By providing regular access to a certified therapy dog, its been proven to reduce tension, soohe anxiety, and offer comfort.

School: HHS
Sponsor Educator: Michael Webb
Amount: $8,000

We also have a downloadable document with the list of projects and grant summaries.

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