Hopkinton Fire Department Releases Statistics for 2015

The Hopkinton Fire Department sent out the below facebook message highlighting 2015. The facebook post talks about an increase in the amount of emergency responses and quantity of call volume, inspections for homes and businesses as well as car seat installations. To follow the Hopkinton Fire department on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hopkintonFIREL3772/?fref=nf

“The Hopkinton Fire Department responded to a total of 2,016 emergencies in 2015, 307 more emergencies than 2014, making it an 18% increase in call volume. Fire Prevention conducted over 1,000 inspections for homes and businesses. There was also approximately 100 car seat installations conducted at fire headquarters. The Hopkinton FireFighters Local 3772 and its members would like to thank all the citizens and businesses of Hopkinton for your continued support over the past year.”

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