Hopkinton Garden Club Plant Sale on May 12th Supports Civic Projects

The Hopkinton Garden Club will hold its annual plant sale on Saturday, May 12th from 8 a.m. to noon on the Town Common. Please stop by to choose from our wide selection of perennials from club member gardens; annuals, herbs and vegetables from select wholesalers; and new to the sale this year, scented daylilies and giftable indoor container plantings. Note the plant sale is earlier this year: the day before Mother’s Day. The plant sale is a great opportunity to meet club members and to learn about different varieties of plants. We look forward to sharing our enthusiasm about gardening and to helping you make good plant choices for your garden. Come early for the best selection of plants and bring your friends!

In case of heavy rain on May 12th, our sale will be held on Sunday, May 13th from 9:00 a.m. to noon on the Town Common. Check our website www.hopkintongardenclub.org for updates and more information about the Hopkinton Garden Club and club events. Questions may be sent via email to info@hopkintongardenclub.org.

Our club is a non-profit volunteer organization – all money raised funds town beautification, education and conservations programs. We’re grateful for the on-going support and donations the community has provided to help make this a successful event.

Contact: Mary-Anne Guild, Publicity Chair, Hopkinton Garden Club, mbguild@verizon.net

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