Hopkinton Girl Scouts Take a Stand Against Bullying with the Million Misfit Sock March

As you know, October is Anti-Bullying month. In direct reference to this, Hopkinton Girl Scouts would like to make you aware of a wonderful event that is coming up on October 25th. It is called the Million Misfit Sock March. This event honors the “misfit” in all of us and encourages people to take a stand against bullying by uniting and wearing mismatched socks to school, work, sporting events, etc. Leaders of Hopkinton Girl Scout Troops, would like to support this event. We have encouraged our girls to talk about it with their friends and classmates and spread the word to get others to wear mismatched socks too!

Center, Elmwood and the Hopkinton Middle School have already committed to participate. Help us spread the word and stomp out bullying!!

Read below for more details about the Million Misfit Sock March:

Grab the perfect pair of misfit socks this Friday, October 25, 2013 and join in the Million Misfit Sock March, a grassroots empowerment movement that asks our world to wear mismatched socks for one day, with purpose, to celebrate differences and take a stand against bullying. This virtual March began last year in Boston and engaged schools, businesses and organizations from 45 states across the country, with the Girl Scouts even earning a patch for their participation and advocacy.

“At one time or another, we have all felt disenfranchised or unfairly judged, and usually it is because of our unique differences. No one is spared, it happens to everyone, said Karen Kiefer, founder of the misfit sock project. “Just like misfit socks individuals are cast aside, labeled, so the mission of the March is to empower individuals to celebrate what makes them different, connect with their inner misfit, and take a stand against bullying.” Kiefer credits her daughters for the creation of the misfit sock project, believing that those misfit socks on their laundry room floor were lost, lonely and had a greater purpose. Their plea to help the misfit socks feel loved again was the impetus for a new family Christmas tradition and a decade later a Christmas storybook, Misfit University online, the Misfit Sock Angels and now the Million Misfit Sock March.

Anyone can participate in the Million Misfit Sock March, from anywhere, and everyone is encouraged to be creative and make a bold statement with their socks. Businesses, schools, organizations, churches can invite their communities to wear misfit socks, engage in fun misfit sock projects, and start a conversation about the importance of celebrating who you are and the crippling effects of being labeled, marginalized for whatever reason. Online supporters can post comments, share videos and pictures to the Million Misfit Sock March Facebook page.

The March is intentionally planned for Bullying Prevention Month and on the Friday before national “Make a Difference Day,” so more schools and businesses can participate. There is no fee to participate in the March, nor does the March raise money for a cause. It is an authentic empowerment movement designed to raise awareness, build community, inspire confidence, take a stand against bullying and make a statement with socks. This year individuals and organizations in 50 states and 3 countries are expected to participate, including the roll-out of thousands of new projects to celebrate the day.

For more information on the Million Misfit Sock March and other misfit sock projects, visit:www.themisfitsock.com, email: themisfitsock@gmail.com or call 774-286-9987 or find on Facebook.com/millionmisfitsockmarch.

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