Hopkinton High School Drama Ensemble holds “Fringe Benefit” Fundraising Event

The Hopkinton High School Drama Department, looking to raise funds for its upcoming trip to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is offering a “Friday Night on the Town,” Friday, September 17th from 6:30pm- 9:30pm in the Hopkinton High School auditorium. Children in grades 1-6 can join Ms. von Rosenvinge and the HHS drama ensemble as they follow the yellow brick road and enjoy the family movie classic with Dorothy and the cast of characters. In addition to the movie there will be special guest appearances from some of the movie’s favorite characters, as well as lemonade and popcorn for all!

While the children are at the movie, parents can enjoy their own night out. Parents can have dinner out using coupons for one of the local restaurants that are generously supporting the groups’ trip to Scotland. Adults who don’t have to worry about finding something to do for little ones, can also take advantage of this unique opportunity and use the donated coupons that evening.

Participating restaurants (to date) include:
Bill’s Pizza (Hopkinton): 15% off meals & 10% of total sales from the event donated to the HHS Drama Ensemble.
The Golden Spoon (Hopkinton): 10% off meals & 10% of total sales from the event donated to the HHS Drama Ensemble.
Ciao Time (Hopkinton): 10% of total sales from the event donated to the HHS Drama Ensemble.
Ken’s Steak House (Framingham): Free appetizer & dessert with the purchase of entrée.
Tavolino (Westboro): 10% off meals & 10% of total sales from the event donated to the HHS Drama Ensemble. Preferred reservation slots are made available for this event.

Parents will receive coupons when they drop off their children at the event. Event registration is $8 per child ($25 max per family) before Sept. 14th and $10 per child ($32 max per family) after. To register your child(ren) contact Deb Phelan at hopkintondrama@gmail.com

Adults not sending kids to the movie night, that would still like to enjoy a night on the town should contact Deb Phelan at hopkintondrama@gmail.com by Sept. 14th for coupons.

(This story was originally posted September 9, 2010)

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