Hillers Boys Soccer defeats Bellingham 2-0
Hopkinton improves to 6 wins, 2 losses and 1 loss on the season, Bellingham falls to 1 win, 8 losses.
Strong passing and possession game for Boys Soccer in a 2-0 win over Bellingham. Goals from Dylan Michaud and Aryan Samaga!! #gohillers pic.twitter.com/Q0pGwr5bwi
— Hopkinton Athletics (@HillerAthletics) October 1, 2021
Hillers Girls Soccer defeats Bellingham 4-0 on the road!
Hopkinton improves to 7 wins, 3 losses, 0 ties, Bellingham falls to 1 win, 8 losses.
Girls Soccer earns a 4-0 win at Bellingham. Steph Johnson, Ashley Butler, Emme Joy & Lexy Trendel scored to go with a shutout by Libby Herlihy, Ana Tomas and the team defense!! #gohillers pic.twitter.com/jfOPpy2koz
— Hopkinton Athletics (@HillerAthletics) October 1, 2021
Hillers Football falls to Foxborough 47-12
-Hopkinton falls to 1 and 3 on the season.
We are off in Foxborough as the Hillers take on the Warriors #gohillers pic.twitter.com/xDMAXKqS7G
— Hopkinton Athletics (@HillerAthletics) October 1, 2021
Hillers Girls Volleyball sweeps Norton
Hopkinton Hillers Girls Volleyball clinched a playoff spot and improved to 10 and 0 with a win over Norton. Norton falls to 4 and 5. Hopkinton has swept 8 of their 10 matches!
Volleyball remains unbeaten following tonight’s win at Norton. Cathryn Leighton had 24 assists & 9 aces, Kate Powers, Belle Senseney, Mel Gildea played well offensively, Sam Berenson & Abby Hebert played well defensively!! #gohillers pic.twitter.com/oRlh2Wa5dX
— Hopkinton Athletics (@HillerAthletics) October 2, 2021