Hopkinton Hillers Win Boston Globe Ames Award for Division II

Hello Hillers!

It is my true honor to congratulate the 2017-2018 Hopkinton Hiller athletic teams on winning the Boston Globe Ames Award for Division II! This award goes to the Massachusetts High School with the highest winning percentage throughout the fall, winter and spring seasons. Though we had some steep competition, HHS produced three consecutive seasons with 80+ wins which helped the Hillers edge out the competition!

We always emphasize that winning is not the most important piece of the puzzle in the context of educational athletics; rather, it is a byproduct of teaching our student-athletes the importance of hard work, instilling in them a love for athletics, and helping them understand what it means to be part of something bigger than themselves. These values, combined with solid team chemistry, strong character, and certainly some incredible talent, have truly been the difference makers here in Hopkinton!

So much time, energy, effort, passion, and of course support from those around us goes into the preparation for and execution of an athletic season. Thank you to our student-athletes, coaches, medical staff members, teachers, district and building administrators, school committee members, maintenance/custodial staff, athletic department staff members, band members, Hopkinton Boosters, HCAM, bus drivers, parents, and fans (and so many more!) for your unwavering support of our athletic programs and most importantly for the care you exhibit while providing an outstanding education for the students of HHS! Your hard work, dedication, and pursuit of excellence are unparalleled. The contributions that you have all made along the way should be a source of pride and were instrumental in HHS earning this outstanding honor! We are so lucky to be Hillers!

Congratulations to all, and THANK YOU for everything!


Dee King

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