Join us all month long for the festivities!
Bookmark Contest for Children and Young Adults.
Design a bookmark to show why the Hopkinton Library
is important to you and your family. Pickup a design
form in the Children’s room and return it to Mrs. K
by Friday, January 25 @ 5:00pm.
Prizes will be awarded on Jan 31 for the following
age groups: 3-6 years, 7-10 years, 11-14 years,
5-18 years and 18 +.
Donate Food Items for Waived Fines .
Bring in non-perishable, food items (please check
the use-by date) to be donated to PJB and fines
on your account will be waived.
Show us the love!
Show why you appreciate the library on our “fill in the
blank” signs and have your picture on FB or our website!
Join us on Jan 31 for an open house celebration
with cake and the announcement of the
bookmark design winners!