Hopkinton Parks & Recreation Commission Vacancy Announcement

The Board of Selectmen voted at its October 21, 2014 meeting to accept the resignation of a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission and is currently seeking candidates for this position.

A joint meeting, consisting of the remaining members of the Hopkinton Parks & Recreation Commission and the members of the Board of Selectmen, will convene and vote at a later date to appoint one individual to temporarily fill the seat until the next Annual Town Election in May of 2015.

The Hopkinton Parks & Recreation Commission is an elected five member body whose mission is to provide a sustainable parks and recreational program that enhances the quality of life for the Hopkinton community. The Parks & Recreation Commission’s vision is to be the community leader in providing
and promoting high quality recreational experiences and park facilities that enhances the lifestyle for residents and visitors of the community. The Parks and Recreation Commission meets on the second and fourth Monday’s of every month.

Interested parties should by apply by Monday, November 3, 2014 by 4:30 PM.

To apply, please visit the Town’s website and apply through the online volunteer form here.

Residents may also apply by submitting a letter of interest to: Jamie Hellen, Operation’s Assistant to the Town Manager’s Office, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 10748.

Interested parties may contact Kevin Nathan, Program Coordinator for the Parks & Recreation Commission, at 508-497-9750 with any questions regarding expectations or details about the positions.

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