Hopkinton Police and Fire Respond When Vehicle Strikes Two Homes

Police Chief Joseph Bennett and Fire Chief Gary Daugherty report that the Hopkinton Police and Fire Departments responded Thursday afternoon when an allegedly drunken driver struck two homes with a van.

STEPHEN MURPHY, AGE 52, OF HOPKINTON, was arrested and charged with:
Operating Under the Influence of Liquor (Second Offense)
Driving to Endanger
Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Crash (Two Counts)
On Thursday, Jan. 4, at approximately 2:51 p.m., the Hopkinton Police and Fire Departments received a 911 call reporting that a white van struck two homes at 75 and 77 Grove St., and then fled the area.

Police units quickly responded to the scene and stopped a suspect vehicle driven by MURPHY nearby. MURPHY was taken into custody at the scene where he was stopped.

Chief Daughtery and members of the Hopkinton Fire Department responded to the homes that were struck, one of which suffered significant damage to a load-bearing wall.

Chief Daughtery requested assistance from the District 14 Technical Rescue Team, which will work to secure and stabilize the home’s first and second floors. Firefighters are also working to stabilize the home in the event of snowfall this weekend.

There were no reported injuries, but a family who lives in one of the homes was displaced. That family will be staying with other family members.

MURPHY will be arraigned Friday in Framingham District Court.

“We’re fortunate that no one was hurt in this incident,” said Chief Daugherty.

These are allegations. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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