The 3rd annual Hopkinton Police Department National Night out will take place Tuesday, August 2nd from 5:00-8:00 PM at the Hopkinton Middle School Fields. The event allows community members of all ages to talk with members of the Hopkinton Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies, view and learn about equipment, and enjoy food and beverages as well as a K9 demonstration.
“What is National Night Out against Crime?
National Night Out is an opportunity for community members of all ages to come together to strengthen neighborhood spirit, support local crime prevention, build police-community partnerships, and just have fun! This is a national event happening in communities like ours.
What Does the Evening Include?
Hopkinton’s National Night Out against Crime has table exhibits, interactive safety demonstrations, food, live music, children’s games, face painting, a bouncy house, and more!
I Can’t Make It. How Can I Show My Support for Local Crime Prevention?
We’re sorry we won’t see you, but there is something you can do to show your support. After the event, from 9:00-11:00 PM, we ask that you turn on your porch light to show Hopkinton’s solidarity in preventing crime!”
View highlights from last year’s “National Night Out” below.