Hopkinton Public Library Announces New Strategic Plan

The Hopkinton Public Library is pleased to announce the creation of a long-range plan for fiscal years 2022-2027. Based on community feedback collected in 2020, the new plan will guide the library’s work and priorities for the next five years.

The FY22-27 Strategic Plan identifies five priorities within which the library will work to achieve its mission to “inspire exploration, discovery, and engagement as we enrich and strengthen the social network of our diverse community.” Those priorities are: “Connecting our community”, “Providing access to education, arts, culture, and knowledge”, “Creating an inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment for all”, “Striving to deliver an exceptional, customer-focused user experience”, and “Stewarding and obtaining resources to accomplish strategic priorities”. The plan is available for the public to read on the library’s website at www.hopkintonlibrary.org/strategicplan.asp.

“We are grateful to the many community members who took the time to share their thoughts as part of our planning process,” said Library Director Heather Backman. “Thanks to their input, we have a strong and flexible plan that will guide the library in providing exceptional services, managing our resources effectively, and sustaining our vital role within the Hopkinton community.”

For the next five years, the library’s work will be guided by the priorities defined in the Strategic Plan. Each year, library staff will create action plans describing specific steps that the library will take to make progress in those priority areas. Updates on annual action plans and progress will be available on the library’s website.

Library Director Heather Backman will give a public presentation about the Strategic Plan on Wednesday, April 21 at 6:30 pm. Interested members of the public should visit the library’s event calendar at www.libraryinsight.net/calendar.asp?jx=hk to register to receive a Zoom link. The Director is also available to speak directly to community groups about the Strategic Plan upon request.

The library is appreciative of the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation’s generous support in funding consultant Ruth Kowal’s work on this project.

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