We are so happy to be circulating materials again – and you’re clearly happy to be able to check them out! We had 640 materials pickups scheduled in our first four weeks of offering curbside pickup – more than 30 pickups per day. Our holds shelves are overflowing and use keeps climbing. We greatly appreciate your patience as we got this service up and running!
Staff are now turning their attention to building on what we’ve put in place so far. We’ve made children’s summer reading prizes available for pickup and are piloting a new “quick picks” service for patrons who want to check out some Children’s materials but don’t have specific titles in mind. Some Destination Passes will be available very shortly and we are exploring printing services on a curbside-pickup basis – stay tuned!
At this time the building itself remains closed, and we have been receiving some questions regarding when and how we will physically reopen to the public. In line with the rest of the Town, we are taking a gradual and cautious approach; your safety and the safety of our staff is our primary concern. We are identifying, and making plans to meet, the remaining needs for staffing arrangements, protective equipment, policies and procedures, and other logistics that must be addressed before we can safely allow patrons back into the building. As the pandemic situation remains fluid and unpredictable, we cannot yet predict a date, but we are working steadily toward reopening.
Library staff wish you continued health and safety. Be well! We’ll see you soon.