Hopkinton Public Library will be open for more hours this fall. Beginning Monday, September
9, the library will be open from 10 am to 9 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays; from 10 am to 6 pm on Fridays; and from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturdays. With the new
schedule, the library will be open a total of 58 hours per week, up from 50 hours per week under
the current schedule.
The added hours are possible due to a previous increase in the Town’s appropriation to the
library that has also enabled the library to remain open on Saturdays in the summer. The library
celebrated its first summer Saturday in July 2018. Previously, Saturday hours had only been
offered during the school year. Sunday afternoon hours will also be added later this fiscal year.
“We have seen extraordinary interest in the library since our renovated and expanded building
reopened, including requests for the building to stay open later so that people have more time to
attend library events, hold meetings, work, browse, and relax in the new space,” said Library
Director Heather Backman. “In our first year in the new building, overall use of the library
doubled. We are excited to take this next step to better meet the needs of our community and
give people more opportunity to take advantage of the beautiful new building and the services
we offer.”
For more information about the library, visit the Hopkinton Public Library website
(www.hopkintonlibrary.org), Facebook page (www.facebook.com/hopkintonlibrary), or Twitter
feed (www.twitter.com/HopkintonPLMA).