The Hopkinton Public Library Grand Opening celebration, originally scheduled for October 16, has been rescheduled for Friday, October 27. Speeches and a ribbon cutting ceremony will begin at 11 a.m., followed by refreshments, activities, and tours of the new building. Additional tours of the building and separate ribbon cuttings for the Young Adult and Children’s Rooms will take place that evening. The Library Trustees will release a full schedule for the day when speakers have been confirmed. The Friends of the Hopkinton Public Library and the Hopkinton Garden Club will provide “Books in Bloom” displays throughout the building during the first few days.

“It is taking slightly longer than expected to put the finishing touches on our beautiful new building,” Heather Backman, the Hopkinton Public Library director, said. “We want to make sure that the construction crew and library staff have the time they need to have everything completely ready when residents walk through our doors for the first time.”

“We expect to be able to open our doors to the public before our official Grand Opening celebration,” Backman said. Once the building is completely ready, library staff can make a decision to open within a few days. Information will be posted on the library’s website and social media as soon as the informal reopening date is selected.

Residents who have library materials may hold on to them until the building reopens. Library staff will forgive any overdue fines that are incurred due to the library’s closure.

“We are excited to welcome the Town into its wonderful new library and are looking forward to seeing everyone’s reactions when they walk through the door. We think people will be very happy with the new building,” Backman said.

The Hopkinton Public Library Foundation’s “A Novel Affair” capstone fundraiser is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, October 28. The library will be closed all day on October 28 for this gala event. Tickets are currently on sale at www.hopkintonpubliclibraryfoundation.org and are going fast.

For more information about the library construction project and the Grand Reopening, visit the Hopkinton Public Library website (www.hopkintonlibrary.org), Facebook page (www.facebook.com/hopkintonlibrary), or Twitter feed (www.twitter.com/HopkintonPLMA).

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