From The Director’s Desk
March is Women’s History Month. It seems only fitting that I use this month’s column to highlight famous female librarians. Two in particular come immediately to mind. The first is Dr. Carla Hayden. She was sworn in as the 14th Librarian of Congress on September 14, 2016, becoming both the first female and first African American to serve in that role. Her mission since taking the post has been to make the library’s collections more accessible to a wider audience. She has provided the public with access to the Frederick Douglass’ papers, the contents of President Abraham Lincoln’s pockets on the night of his assassination, as well as James Madison’s crystal flute, which was played by Lizzo both in the library and during a concert that followed.
Prior to becoming the Librarian of Congress, Dr. Hayden served as the CEO of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland, since 1993. She was the deputy commissioner and chief librarian of the Chicago Public Library from 1991 to 1993, an assistant professor of library and information science at the University of Pittsburgh from 1987 to 1991 and library services coordinator for the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago from 1982 to 1987. Dr. Hayden was president of the American Library Association from 2003 to 2004. In 1995, she was the first African American to receive Library Journal’s Librarian of the Year Award in recognition of her outreach services at the Pratt Library, which included an after-school center for Baltimore teens offering homework assistance and college and career counseling. Hayden received a B.A. from Roosevelt University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago.
The second person I’d like to introduce you to is Nancy Pearl. Pearl is the former Director of the Washington Center for the Book, where she founded the If All Seattle Read the Same Book program in 1998, now still going strong under the much tidier name of Seattle Reads. Pearl’s knowledge of books and literature first made her locally famous in Seattle where she regularly appears on public radio recommending books. She achieved broader fame with Book Lust: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Reason, her 2003 guide to good reading. Pearl was named 2011 Librarian of the Year by Library Journal. She is also the author of Book Crush: For Kids and Teens : Recommended Reading For Every Mood, Moment, and Interest, and Book Lust To Go, Recommended Reading for Travelers, Vagabonds, and Dreamers.
Pearl created the 50-page rule; a recommendation to read the first 50 pages of a book before making the decision to continue reading it or put it down. If you are under 50, read the first 50 pages of the book. If you are over 50, subtract your age from 100 to decide how many pages you should read before giving up on the book.
Pearl is so well known in library circles, that in 2003, she was made into an action figure with “super shushing” capabilities. Who is your librarian superhero?
Nanci Hill, Library Director
Matt Leathers – Administrative Assistant
Our Guest Librarian for March is the library’s new Administrative Assistant, Matt Leathers. Matt grew up in North Providence, Rhode Island, before recently moving to Massachusetts. He has been a frequent visitor of his local libraries ever since receiving his first library card in 1995, and has visited every library in Rhode Island at least once. He has enjoyed serving the community and working in libraries since 2012, starting his library career at the North Providence Union Free Public Library’s circulation desk after studying at the Community College of Rhode Island. Matt joined the HPL staff last month.
In his spare time, Matt enjoys cooking and baking, playing computer and roleplaying games, assembling model kits, and painting with acrylics. He is a lifelong fan of Godzilla, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Red Dwarf, and Lord of the Rings. He enjoys reading historical fiction, science fiction, and the occasional graphic novel or manga series.
Matt Recommends
2001: A Space Odyssey (DVD)
Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Home
Clarke, Arthur C. 2001: A Space Odyssey
Duncan, Dayton. The National Parks: America’s Best Idea
Gonzales, Annie O’Brien. The Joy of Acrylic Painting
Hollis, B. Dylan. Baking Yesteryear: The Best Recipes from 1900s to the 1980s
Laporte, Henry. Salt Hank: A Five-Napkin Situation
Leckie, Robert. Helmut for My Pillow: From Parris Island to the Pacific
Marzollo, Jean. I Spy Spooky Night: A Book of Picture Riddles
Maxwell, Lucas. Let’s Roll: A Guide to Setting Up a Tabletop Role-Playing Games in Your School or Public Library
Sattin, Samuel. Side Quest: A Visual History of Roleplaying Games
Togashi, Yoshihiro. YuYu Hakusho, vol. 1

Adventure Pass of the Month – Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
The Gardner Museum houses the collection of Isabella Stewart Gardner, a local patron of the arts who died in 1924, in a building she commissioned to look like a 15th century Venetian palazzo. The center of the original building showcases courtyard plantings that reflect the seasons as they evolve throughout the year. In addition to her collection, which remains displayed exactly as she arranged it per her will, there are changing exhibitions, concerts, lectures, family events, and an artist-in-residence program. Place your hold requests for this pass by visiting our Adventure Pass page. Our Adventure Passes are generously funded by The Friends of Hopkinton Public Library.
Library “Thing” of the Month – Reverse Charades Game
“Reverse Charades flips the charade standard of one person giving clues to a large group on its head by splitting the players (six or more) into two teams, then having all but one person on a team work together to get that one person to guess as many words as possible in sixty seconds.” –
You can reserve this by visiting our Library of Things page. Library of Things is generously supported by the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation.
Friends of the Library Book Sale
Friday, Dec. 6 & Saturday Dec. 7 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Books for all ages in good to excellent condition. Stop in during the Holiday Stroll on Saturday!
‘Bag of Books’ will be $10/bag for the final hour on Saturday. Cash, Checks or Credit cards (via Paypal)
Programs are hosted at the library unless otherwise noted.
Registration is required for many programs.
Visit our website calendar to obtain updated information and registration.
Programs are subject to change or cancellation.
For Multiple Ages
Narcan Training and Community Harm Reduction with the Hopkinton Health Department
Tuesday, March 11 | 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Narcan Training with the Hopkinton Health Department
Narcan is the brand name of the generic Naloxone and is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids. This free Narcan training will provide participants with a brief training on how to recognize an opioid overdose, when and how to use Narcan, and a free kit to take home.
Frayed Knot Fiber Arts Circle
Thursday, March 13 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Join us for the Frayed Knot Fiber Arts Circle! Bring your current project or pattern. This group is open to teens and adults of all skill levels. All fiber arts crafts (knitting, crochet, needlepoint, cross-stitch, needle felting, etc.) are more than welcome to join us! Do you have questions or need knitting materials? Email Jak at
Mini-Golf in the Library
Saturday, March 15 | 10:00 – 4:00 pm
Sunday, March 16 | 10:00 – 3:00 pm
The Friends of Hopkinton Public Library welcome back Mini-Golf at the Library fundraiser! All ages are invited to play on Saturday, March 15 & Sunday, March 16. The cost is $5 per player with a maximum of $20 per family. Cash, checks & credit card via Paypal are accepted. Help the Friends support the library in this fun way. Please note that mini golf will be played throughout the library and patrons cannot expect a quiet environment for this one weekend!
Tiny Art Show Registration Opens
Monday, March 17
Artists may create 2D or 3D work using any medium, as long as the finished product is smaller than their hand. If you would like a tiny canvas, visit one of the library service desks between March 17th and April 7th. Art must be dropped off at the library by April 10th, 2025. There will be an all-ages reception on Saturday, April 13th from 1-2pm. If you would like to take part in the Hopkinton Public Library’s Tiny Art Show, please fill out this form:
Adult Programs
Scrabble & Mahjong Club
Tuesday, March 4 | 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Join us for monthly Scrabble or Mahjong games on the first Tuesday of the month. We have supplies but if you have a favorite board or tiles feel free to bring them!
The Genealogist is IN
Wednesday, March 5 | 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Join other amateur family historians in a casual atmosphere to share resources and brainstorm ideas for further investigation. Librarian Allison Keaney will be available to help with your research, whether you are just starting out or need help knocking down a brick wall! Registration is not required. Drop on by!
Allison is a longtime genealogist, with over 20 years of experience, including several graduate level genealogy courses.
English Language Learning – Beginners
Fridays, March 14, 21 & 28 | 10:00 – 11:00 am | Registration required
This class is appropriate for someone with very limited experience with the English language. This learner may be familiar with basic vocabulary and simple phrases but is struggling with everyday conversations.The beginner group provides an opportunity to build English vocabulary, and practice grammar and reading.
This Lifelong Learning program has been made possible by the support of the Friends of the Hopkinton Public Library.
English Language Learning Conversation Group – Intermediate Learners
Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19 & 26 | 10:00 – 11:30 am | Registration Required
Intermediate Learners have mastered basic vocabulary and simple grammar and are now focused on greater comfort level in everyday conversations. At the Intermediate level, we will prioritize components of grammar, vocabulary expansion, reading comprehension, and group discussion. The Lifelong Learning program has been made possible by the Friends of the Hopkinton Public Library.
English Language Learning Conversation and Culture Group – Advanced
Thursdays, March 6, 13, 20 & 27 | 6:30 – 7:45 pm | Registration required
Conversation And Culture provides a unique opportunity for the advanced learner to meet and practice conversation in a relaxed, social setting with trained leaders. The members of this group are comfortable with everyday vocabulary and grammar and are seeking an opportunity to practice their skills.
This Lifelong Learning program has been made possible by the support of the Friends of the Hopkinton Public Library.
Dungeons and Dragons (Adult group)
Sunday, March 2 & 30 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm
2024 was the 50th anniversary of the first publication of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), so let’s play the game the way they used to! Your Dungeon Master, Keith Donohue, grew up in the 1980s, back when D&D was first becoming popular. These days, he is an avid collector of old roleplaying games and is a proponent of the loose, improvisational style of play that was common in the past.
Seeing History
Thursday, March 6, 13, 20, 27 | 2:00 – 3:00 pm | Registration Required
Join art educator Martha Chiarchiaro for this four-part art history series! She’ll provide an introduction to four significant topics in art history: The Life and Art of Winslow Homer, The Life and Art of Mary Cassatt, Claude Monet: Water Lilies, and The Monument Men: Saving Art During World War II.
Medicare Supplement Plans or Medicare Advantage Plans? Which Coverage is Best for Me?
Thursday, March 6 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Join Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts for this informational seminar about planning for Medicare! For those new to Medicare, this is the #1 question most people have when seeking additional insurance. However, even if you are already on a plan, it’s always a good idea to reevaluate your choices each year. Circumstances change, and so can your health plan. While we won’t delve into Blue Cross plan details, you will leave with a clear understanding of which type of plan best fits your needs.
Borrowing and Reading Your First E-Book
Wednesday, March 12 | 9:30 – 10:30 am
Join Librarian Danielle for an educational class on how to borrow and read an e-book through Libby. Danielle will talk you through the signup process, teach you how to search for books you’re interested in, show you how to borrow an e-book, and how to open and read an e-book. You will also get an instruction packet to take home with you! You do not need to bring anything to this class, but if you want to read e-books with Libby from the Library, you will need a smartphone (iPhone or Android), tablet, or computer; and a valid library card.
Virtual – Power of Reset and How to Change What’s Not Working
Wednesday, March 12 | 2:00 – 3:30 pm on Zoom | Registration Required
Are you ready for a revolutionary guide to fixing what’s not working—in systems and processes, organizations and companies, and even in our daily lives? Join us for an enlightening conversation with bestselling author Dan Heath as he talks with us about his newest book, Reset: How to Change What’s Not Working.
Yoga Class with Ramya Chiplunkar
Tuesday, March 18 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm
The traditional style of beginner and intermediate yoga will include Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Dhyana (meditation) and Yoga Nidra (relaxation techniques). The class is open to all who are adults or high school age. No prior yoga experience is needed. Classes will focus on building strength in the core, balance in the body, and increasing flexibility and range of motion while incorporating breath awareness and mindfulness techniques. Bring a yoga/exercise mat and water. Be ready to unwind!
Virtual – How Women’s Liberation Transformed America
Thursday, March 20 | 2:00 – 3:30 pm on Zoom | Registration Required
Join us for a transformative conversation with award-winning journalist and author, Clara Bingham, as she chats with us about her new book, The Movement: How Women’s Liberation Transformed America, 1963-1973.
Planning for Medicare
Thursday, March 20 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Join Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts for this informational seminar about planning for Medicare. If you’re getting close to Medicare eligibility, this seminar is for you! Whether you are planning to retire or will continue to work, it’s important to know your Medicare options. Did you know that missing your Medicare enrollment deadlines could cost you money? Medicare can be confusing, so this seminar was designed to help you be confident you’re making the right health coverage decisions.
Coffee House: Flamenco Boston
Sunday, March 23 | 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Flamenco Boston is back by popular demand! Last year, they treated us to a spectacular performance, but this year they’re upping the ante with not one, but two dancers! Not only will they demonstrate the art of flamenco, but they will also talk about its history and origins. Join us shortly before the performance for light refreshments. Registration is not required for this event. Drop on by! This performance is funded in part by the Hopkinton Public Library Foundation and in part by the Mass Cultural Council.
Rough Sleepers: An Evening with Dr. Jim O’Connell
Monday, March 24 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Please join us for a special evening with Dr. Jim O’Connell, the doctor at the heart of Tracy Kidders’ book Rough Sleepers. Rough Sleepers, a New York Times bestseller, is the powerful story of an inspiring doctor who made a difference, by helping to create a program to care for Boston’s homeless community. This program is co-sponsored with the Hopkinton Board of Health.
Blood Drive
Tuesday, March 25 | 11:00 – 4:00 pm
Register on the Red Cross website at
Town Meeting: What It Is and How to Participate
Tuesday, March 25 | 6:00 – 7:00 pm
New England’s municipal government structure is unique and highly participatory. One of the most important nights of the year is Town Meeting. However, if you’re not familiar with the structure and rules of Town Meeting, attending and participating can be downright confusing. Join the library for a panel discussion featuring Town Manager Elaine Lazarus, Town Clerk Connor Degan, and Chief Financial Officer Kyla LaPierre to find out how Town Meeting is structured, how to participate, and why going to Town Meeting is important.
Gardening for Wildlife Seminar by Trevor Smith of Westin Nurseries
Wednesday, March 26 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Gardening for Wildlife discusses how to create a habitat to attract birds, butterflies and bees and other insects. This event is sponsored by the Hopkinton Area Land Trust (HALT) and co-sponsored by the Hopkinton Public Library.
Virtual – Dreams We Chase
Wednesday, March 26 | 7:00 – 8:30 pm
You’re invited to a glimmering conversation with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner as we chat about the signature emotional depth of her books that have been inspiring readers toward self-discovery for decades. Hearing from the queen of fun herself, we’ll chat with the author about her New York Times bestselling novels, Good In Bed, In Her Shoes, Big Summer, The Breakaway and many more.
Teen Programs
Young Adult Crafternoon (6th grade+)
Monday, March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 | 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Come to the Betty Strong room every Monday this March to hang out, listen to music, and make some art! We will have a different theme craft every meeting as well as extra materials to make your own creations. Please e-mail Jess at with any questions!
Animanga (6th grade+)
Wednesday, March 12 & 26 | 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Anime & Manga Fans: Meet in the Betty Strong room to discuss manga, watch Crunchyroll, draw characters, and eat fun snacks! Please e-mail Jess at with any questions.
Wednesday, March 5 & 19 | 6:00 – 7:45 pm | Open to 5th grade+
Join us every other Wednesday for an evening of imagination and skill. We will play Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering, and other dice, card, and tabletop role-playing games.New players are always welcome. Registration is appreciated.
Frayed Knot Fiber Arts Circle
Thursday, March 13 | 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Join us for the Frayed Knot Fiber Arts Circle! Bring your current project or pattern. This group is open to teens and adults of all skill levels. All fiber arts crafts (knitting, crochet, needlepoint, cross-stitch, needle felting, etc.) are more than welcome to join us! Do you have questions or need knitting materials? Email Jak at
Half-Day Library Arcade
Friday, March 14 | 12:00 – 3:30 pm
It’s an early release day! The library’s Betty Strong Room will be open to middle school and high school students at 12:30pm. We’ll play music and set up board games, table tennis, cornhole, giant Jenga, Nintendo Switch, XBox, and other activities.
Virtual Fortnite Tournament with One Up Games
Thursday, March 20 | 6:00 – 8:00 pm
This virtual tournament is run by our friends at One Up Games in collaboration with other local libraries. This is a virtual program so you will play right from the comfort of your own home on your own Xbox One / Series X/S, PlayStation 4/5, Nintendo Switch, or PC! Participants must have their own gaming platform, online connection, and a copy of the game. E-mail for more info and to register.
Children’s Programs
Registration required for many programs through our website calendar .
Baby-Toddler Storytime (ages 0-3)
Saturday, March 1 & 29 | 10:00 – 10:45 am | Registration Required
Tuesday, March 4 & 25 | 10:00 – 10:45 am | Registration Required