Hopkinton Residents Start A “NO CVS in Hopkinton” Facebook Page

After it was revealed that a CVS Pharmacy would be vacating the available space in the former Colella’s building, a number of Hopkinton residents expressed outrage by joining a Facebook group called “NO CVS in Hopkinton”. The group already has over 430 followers and is plastered with photos and posts expressing disapproval in a CVS pharmacy coming to town.

One of the many posts in the group read; “Meredith Pfaff Wolcott’s Review on Crosspoint Associates FB page—1 star
You should be ashamed bringing CVS into Hopkinton, considering the legal battle between Hopkinton Drug and CVS over the years. The CVS company should not be allowed in our unique town, as it not only changes the charm that we are trying to build back downtown, but it degrades the townspeople’s voice as we’ve already said “no” to having this pharmacy come to our town.
While I cherish the charm and historic small-town atmosphere of Hopkinton, I am not against all commerce and development as long as it doesn’t compromise those aspects of the town that provide that atmosphere. Not only is a CVS redundant to an area that has numerous similar options — including another CVS in Ashland — within a short driving distance, but the CVS would detract from the beautiful, historic downtown and is completely unnecessary.
I know many of the Hopkinton residents are up in arms about Crosspoint choosing CVS over a restaurant or small grocery store, which fits more into the requirements and wants of the Hopkinton Community. I’m sure that CVS paid double what the other tenants were offering; however those profits won’t be worth anything as many members of the Hopkinton community have already pledged to not shop at CVS…ever. ‪#‎NOtoHopCVS‬”

Residents have also started a petition to ban the CVS from opening in Hopkinton, one post in the group referred to the petition and expressed why they disapprove the CVS; “I love all the support Hopkinton Drug is getting and I love the passion in this group. I wonder if the petition should focus less on the hostility between CVS and Hop Drug, and more on the reasons we treasure our existing pharmacy and will continue to shop there exclusively. We may have more influence and community support if we go that route. Would the creator(s) of the petition be open to copy suggestions?”

The group can be found here; https://www.facebook.com/nocvsinhopkinton?fref=ts

**Please note this post is not to express agreement or disapproval of the CVS Pharmacy coming to Hopkinton, it is simply to inform that the Facebook group was started and many are not happy about the recent development.**

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