Hopkinton School Committee approves contract with Hopkinton Paraprofessionals’ Union

The Hopkinton School Committee is pleased to announce they have approved a contract with Hopkinton Paraprofessionals’ Union, SEIU Local 888, representing the paraprofessional workers in the Hopkinton School District. The newly formed union covers the General Teaching Assistants, Special Education Teaching Assistants, Library Assistants and Math Tutors. The agreement, approved by the School Committee at its June 14 meeting, covers a four year span through a one year contract dating July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, and a three year contract covering July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015. The annual cost of living increases included in the agreements are 0%, 0%, 1% and 1%.

Rebecca Robak, who was on the negotiating team from the School Committee, said, ” We are very pleased with this initial contract with the union. We believe this contract is beneficial to both the union and the district. The professionals represented by the union are an integral part of the education process in Hopkinton. We look forward to continuing the positive relationship we have established with the union through the negotiation process.”

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