Save the dates for the Upcoming School Committee Listening Series! When: Sunday and Tuesday evenings in August from 7:00 – 8:00 PM via zoom.
What is the Listening Series: The Listening Series will be targeted office hours to help the School Committee hear directly from specific sectors of our school community about their lived experiences, challenges, successes and concerns about diversity, equity and inclusion.
The schedule of invited groups and their allies is as follows:
Sunday, August 1 BIPOC students and families
Tuesday, August 3 Single parents and socioeconomically disadvantaged families Sunday, August 8 LGBTQIA+ students and families
Tuesday, August 10 English Learners and families (ELPAC)
Sunday, August 15 Families / students receiving supports through IEP or 504 plans (SEPAC) Tuesday, August 17 Advanced Learners and their families (ALPAC)
Sunday, August 22 Students and families whose school experience has been impacted by religious beliefs and/or practices.
Tuesday, August 24 Open session for those who were not able to attend a relevant session and/or for those who identify with a group not listed above.
Participants may join with their cameras turned on or off, according to their comfort level. A School Committee member will open the session with brief welcoming comments and invite attendees to share their experiences, highlight concerns, identify successes, and make suggestions for ways to improve student experience. Better understanding the experiences of our students and families will be helpful as the School Committee sets the budget and policies for the coming year.
Zoom links will be accessible through the School Committee webpage, the town calendar and school listserv emails. If you have any questions or difficulty connecting, please reach out to School Committee Chair, Nancy Cavanaugh, at