Hopkinton Scouts Edible Book Festival 2020 to Take Place Online

Hopkinton Girl Scouts invite book and food lovers of all ages to Hopkinton’s NEW ONLINE Edible Book Festival.
To enter, make a creation** related to a book or reading, and take a photo of it. To enter, submit the photo and attached entry form. All entries are due by April 1st.

**Please note, for this year’s competition, entries can be made with any materials, whether edible or non-edible, so long as it relates to a book or reading.

Entries fall into the following categories:
1) Child Category: Single Baker who a child 8th grader or younger;

2) Adult Category: Single Baker who is 9th grade High School student or older;

3) Family Category: Creation prepared by two or more individuals (any group, may include adults and/or children).

Voting will take place online after April 1st. Stay tuned for more details!

The Edible Book Festival started in 2016 as part of Girl Scout Troop #65040’s Bronze Award project to promote reading and literacy.
Questions? Email hopgstroop65040@gmail.com. For more information, or to view prior years entries, please visit: https://troop65040.wordpress.com/

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