Hopkinton Girl Scouts invite book and food lovers of all ages to Hopkinton’s NEW ONLINE Edible Book Festival.
To enter, make a creation** related to a book or reading, and take a photo of it. To enter, submit the photo and attached entry form. All entries are due by April 1st.
**Please note, for this year’s competition, entries can be made with any materials, whether edible or non-edible, so long as it relates to a book or reading.
Entries fall into the following categories:
1) Child Category: Single Baker who a child 8th grader or younger;
2) Adult Category: Single Baker who is 9th grade High School student or older;
3) Family Category: Creation prepared by two or more individuals (any group, may include adults and/or children).
Voting will take place online after April 1st. Stay tuned for more details!
The Edible Book Festival started in 2016 as part of Girl Scout Troop #65040’s Bronze Award project to promote reading and literacy.
Questions? Email hopgstroop65040@gmail.com. For more information, or to view prior years entries, please visit: https://troop65040.wordpress.com/