Hopkinton Senior Center Regular Hours:
8:30-4:00 Monday – Thursday
8:30-2:00 Friday
28 Mayhew Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748
(508) 497-9730
This document is designed to allow for you to translate some of the Hopkinton Senior Center activities, programs, and offerings into another language. For a full description of our programs please check out our full monthly newsletter available online.
Currently masks are required to be worn inside the Senior Center by all staff and visitors regardless of vaccination status. We appreciate your cooperation in helping keep our community safe.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from all of us at the Hopkinton Senior Center! Looking for
information in another language?
The Town of Hopkinton website, including information about the Senior Center, can be translated into more than 50 different languages now!
For info on selected Senior Center programs and services, you can also access a simplified ‘Google Doc’ version of the monthly newsletter that can be translated as well.
Winter Weather Policy
The Senior Center will be closed to the public if the Hopkinton Schools are closed due to inclement weather. Play it safe; watch the news and check for school closings. When in doubt call the Senior Center or check out our Facebook page for closing updates. Please keep in mind that transportation assistance may also be impacted by inclement weather.
Free Fitness Classes
Health is Wealth!! If you’ve been thinking about trying one of our many exercise classes, or thinking about new ways to get some exercise during these chilly winter months, we’ve got your solution! All January and February, fitness classes will be offered free of charge. Now is a great time to start developing some new and healthy habits! This is made possible due to generous support from the Friends of Hopkinton Senior Citizens, Inc.
A Letter from the Director
Happy New Year!
As we welcome 2022 I can’t help but reflect on the past year, and what a year it was! I am so grateful that we have been able to re-open to pre-COVID capacity and hope that you are enjoying all the programs and activities that are happening here at the Senior Center! New programs are being added all the time so keep your eyes open for what may be coming next.
I love to start the New Year with plans or resolutions of what I hope to accomplish and do in the upcoming year. We like to emphasize that we should keep moving, and it is with that thought I am excited to announce that the Friends of Hopkinton Seniors are giving you all the gift of free exercise classes for the months of January and February so you can keep moving! What better way to bring in the New Year than to try a new class, continue with your current ones and to ‘KeepMovin’ at the Senior Center!
I would like to thank the Police Association for their wonderful party this past December. I am so grateful that we were able to celebrate the season with them and their families this year! I know they were also very excited and happy to see you all again as well.
Another great thing to do at the beginning of a new year is to clean out your medicine cabinet of expired or unwanted medications. On Monday, January 10 from 10 -12 we will have a Disposal Drop Box at the Senior Center for your expired or unwanted medications. We cannot accept sharps at this location, but they can be dropped off in a special box at the Police Station at any time.
Welcome to a new year filled with potential and excitement! And while it is often harder to go out in the colder weather we hope you will KeepMovin and join us here at the Senior Center!
As of the printing of this newsletter, all staff and participants are required to wear a face mask while inside at the Senior Center
Amy Beck, Director
Special Programs
Art Appreciation: American Art Explained
Wednesday, January 19th at 1pm
Come experience paintings from colonial times to today as they tell America’s story – including the Revolutionary War, immigration, industrialization, and more. From folk art portraits to surprising realism, then on to impressionist and abstract images, visualize America’s growth and change as well as its developing artistic styles through time. Please pre-register for this program.
Cultural Conversations: Experience China
Thursday, January 27th at 10am
Cost: $5 Pre-registration required to ensure adequate supplies.
Each month in 2022 we will host Cultural Conversations where we’ll learn about and discuss new and diverse cultures and communities from all around the world.
This month join us as we learn about life in contemporary China. Our host will share stories from his visits there and share pictures from both the rural countryside and cities, showcasing cuisine and regular daily life. We’ll sample some authentic Chinese food as we learn how to use chopsticks!
Health and Wellness Programs
Weight Off Wisely (W.O.W.)
Tuesdays, at 10am
The Weight off Wisely group meets in-person at the Senior Center library where we weigh-in, share camaraderie, recipes, challenges and successes.
Medication Disposal Drop Off
Monday, January 10th from 10am-12pm
Stop by for coffee with a Hopkinton Police Officer while you drop off expired or unwanted medications at the Senior Center. We cannot accept sharps.
Hearing Aid Cleaning
Thursday, January 20th at 12:30pm
Audiologist Darcy Repucci, of Hopkinton Audiology, will be providing hearing aid cleanings.
Stocking the Pantry for the Winter
Wednesday, January 26 at 12:30pm *Rescheduled from last month
Come learn tips for stocking a good pantry and some easy pantry meal ideas for the winter months.
One-on-one nutrition appointments
BayPath’s Dietician, Traci Robidoux, is happy to set up a zoom meeting or phone consultation. Leave a message, requesting a call back, at: 508-573-7258.
Virtual Programs
Machu Picchu: Past and Present
Wednesday, January 26th at 2:30pm Virtual
Machu Picchu is one of the new 7 wonders of the world and the most iconic archeological site of Peru and South America. In this lecture we will go back to its origins, its meaning for the Inca society, and its significance to the western world in 1911. We will end the experience with a guided photo expedition to this site located in one of the most beautiful landscapes of the Peruvian Andes. Call for link.
The Hopkinton Senior Center offers transportation to and from the Senior Center and local shopping areas, Tuesday through Friday to Hopkinton seniors. Call us to learn more.
Transportation Options for Seniors
We are able to help you find transportation for medical appointments and essential shopping utilizing grants and the MWRTA programs: Dial A Ride and The Ride. If you are a Hopkinton resident 60 years of age or older, a veteran, or individual homebound due to disability, please call the Outreach Department at the Hopkinton Senior Center at least 3 business days prior to your desired day of travel for assistance in scheduling a ride. Rides are offered Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 – 3.
SMOC Fuel Assistance
The Outreach Department at the Senior Center can assist any Hopkinton resident/household with their application for the home heating fuel assistance program through SMOC (South Middlesex Opportunity Council). The program runs November to April, and is available to all households in Hopkinton if the total household income falls within their guidelines. If you heat with natural gas, oil, propane, electricity, wood, coal or pellets, call the Outreach Department at the Senior Center to find out if your income qualifies. A household of one qualifies at $39,105; a home of two, $51,137; etc. You may also apply if heat is included in your rent. No walk-in’s will be accepted; appointments are required to assist applicants. Please call the Center at 508-497-9730 and ask for Kim or Julia.
Caregiver and Support Programs
Caregiver Support Group
In-person 3rd Wednesday at 10:30am
Virtual Fridays at 10:30am
Are you caring for a parent spouse/partner or close friend?Are you feeling overwhelmed and isolated? Our Caregiver Support Group provides an opportunity for learning and a space for sharing your concerns with others who face similar challenges. For more information or to register call 508-497-0108 or email info@ourtimememorycafe.org
Our Time Memory Café
Thursday, January 6th from 1:00pm – 2:00pm
At the Hopkinton Senior Center. Our Time Memory Café is a welcoming gathering for those experiencing forgetfulness, mild cognitive impairment or living with dementia, and their care partner, family and friends. The Café is a place to socialize, share experiences with others going through similar changes and form friendships. This program is a joint venture between the Hopkinton Senior Center and Hopkinton Public Library. For more information or to register call 508-497-0108 or email info@ourtimememorycafe.org
Declutter Group
First Meeting: Tuesday, January 18th at 1pm
This group will meet the first and third Tuesday of the month. Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the clutter in your house and don’t know where to start? Or are you thinking about your future and the possible need to get rid of some stuff? Come join our declutter and organization support group at the Senior Center, where we will share ideas and motivate each other. Make a new start for a new year! All are welcome! Contact Julia in the Outreach Dept. for questions.
Making Hopkinton an Age and Dementia Friendly Community
The Senior Center has started an initiative to get Hopkinton certified as an age-friendly and dementia-friendly community. Representatives from town government, police, fire, the faith community, business, and other organizations will work together to make Hopkinton a more supportive and comfortable place to live for seniors, people with dementia, and their caregivers. For more information and to find out how you can participate, please contact Sam Docknevich, sdocknevich@gmail.com.