Hopkinton MA has a new portal for connecting residents to local events and activities: The Community Calendar.
The concept was first discussed at a meeting of the Community Communications Committee. As they discussed ways to bring the Town together, it became clear a logical starting point might be a calendar where Hopkinton organizations and groups could post their activities, raising awareness and interest from town residents.
“The committee was seeking ways to quickly create something to be of service to our community and improve communication. We have representation in our group from many aspects of the community; the Senior Center, Hopkinton Education Foundation, HPTA, Library, Public Schools and School Committee, Town Clerk’s office, SEPAC, eHop, Youth Commission and we intend to reach many more organizations” said Meena Bharath, committee member. “Alexis Miller, Amy Beck, Amy Ritterbusch, Carol Cavanaugh, Connor Degan, Dawn Ronan, Denise Hildreth, Heather Backman, Jeneen Peschutter, and Meg Tyler are all engaged and supportive of this new concept.”
The committee discussed the mechanics of hosting a calendar and a member suggested HCAM. At a meeting between Meena Bharath and HCAM Station Manager Jim Cozzens, a partnership instantly formed.
“HCAM exists solely to connect the residents of Hopkinton with information they can use, everyday,” Jim Cozzens said, “We are thrilled to help support this fantastic endeavor to keep our town informed.”
Over the past few months Jim and his team from HCAM found a suitable calendar, began populating it, and made a home for it at: cal.hcam.tv. Their goals were for something easy to use, worked across all platforms, and was colorful and engaging.
The Community Communications Committee and HCAM hopes Hopkinton enjoys the new calendar and finds it useful. Comments, suggestions and feedback are always welcome, please contact Jim (jim@hcam.tv or 508.435.7887).
If you are a member of a community organization, you are encouraged to post your events to the Community Calendar. To find out how you can get a piece of this action, visit: www.hcam.tv/cal
The Community Communication group believes “It’s all about open and respectful communication, supporting one another, and making our community stronger together.”