Hopkinton to Remember One of Its Originals

John E. Cahill, Jr. will be put under the microscope by his many friends, neighbors, fellow veterans, and former co-workers on Veterans Day, 11 November 2016. The American Legion McDonough-Carlberg Post 202 will oversee a gathering of persons who knew John Cahill, and who will contribute remembrances of John’s life.

The collective insights will be documented by local media with an objective to create a permanent record that will fully describe John. He wasn’t only a proud Marine who served on Iwo Jima. John also was a 30+-year postman. He was a rambunctious youngster on C Street. John was an avid reader; he retained facts, became a consummate historian, and could tell stories about anybody and anything in Hopkinton. He was a card player among his close friends, and a Stonethrower.

And he must have been a ladies’ man. After all, he married an Italian!

Wouldn’t you enjoy learning more about John Cahill? Better yet, how about contributing a personal story to the Cahill lore?

It’s not a requirement to be a Marine. In fact, even if you didn’t know John, you are welcome to attend so you can learn first-hand about an interesting person — a treasure — that has left lasting impressions on all of us.

Join the celebration of the life of John Cahill on Friday, 11 November 2016, at the Hopkinton Senior Center. The timing is scheduled for the end of the Veterans Day activities which begin at 11am, and will be in the same room. Its duration is not known precisely.

No doubt, it will be fun for all.

Questions: Mike Whalen, 508 435-2397, or Pat Lynch 508 435-4582.

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