Hopkinton Town Clerk Geri Holland Announces Retirement

After nearly 20 years working for the town of Hopkinton, “Town Clerk” Geri Holland sent out the below letter announcing her retirement. She worked 16 years as an operations assistant for the town before accepting the town clerk position in March of 2012.

“To the Citizens of Hopkinton:
I would like to take this opportunity to graciously thank all residents for the confidence and respect shown me since being elected as Town Clerk in 2013; and for supporting me throughout the years since 1996, serving first as the Executive Assistant to the Executive Secretary and then as the Operations Assistant to the Town Manager.

At this time, I am giving notice of my retirement as your Town Clerk effective December 31, 2015. This decision was made to spend more time with my family, to continue art mentoring, along with completing projects in my art studio.

My time at the Town Hall has been among the best years of my working life. I have gained a feeling of belonging, and enjoyment in the work that I have done. I have had the privilege of meeting a great many people and developed lifelong friendships with many residents.

Please know that serving this community has been a remarkable experience. I have enjoyed all the time spent working with and for you making this town what it is today. You have given me the gift of respect and genuine friendship; and I take with me the memories of all that I have experienced with you into my retirement.

I recently was asked why I love this community and my response is still the same: “no matter what part of town residents live or where they moved in from or even if their family has been here for multi-generations, we all strive for the same and that is, to protect the future … all for the next generation”.
God bless you all and God bless America.
Geri Holland”

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