Hopkinton Trails Club February 2020 Events

Welcome to February. No need to hibernate…there are plenty of things to do.

Sunday, February 9, 1:00PM: Town Forest trail walk. We’ll explore Hopkinton’s Town Forest, 112 acres of beautiful forest, adjacent to Cameron Woods and Whitehall State Park. There’s nature, history, and a great trail to follow. The walk (about 2 miles) begins/ends at the leader’s house, 11 Erika Drive. Park along the street.

Wednesday, February 12, 7:00PM: Monthly meeting

Hopkinton town trail committee meetings (at Hopkinton Town Hall). Open to the public.
Wednesday, February 5, 7:00PM: Upper Charles Trail Committee
Tuesday, February 11, 7:30PM: Trails Coordination & Management Committee
Wednesday, February 19, 7:00PM: Upper Charles Trail Committee

Non-Club event, but worth noting. Contact the hosting organization with any questions.
Thursday, February 6, 10AM: (Hopkinton Senior Center) – Easy Walks in Massachusetts talk at the Hopkinton Senior Center (28 Mayhew Street). Come learn where you can find easy walking trails, great rail trails, beautiful views and short walks to sweeping vistas along the Upper Charles, Neponset River and Assabet River watersheds. Local author and Bellingham resident Marjorie Turner Hollman will present a slideshow of photos and share some stories about areas included in the 2nd edition of her book, “More Easy Walks in Massachusetts,” a walking trail guide to 50+ trails in 15 contiguous area towns in south central MA, including multiple trails in Hopkinton. Learn how to find great places to walk in Hopkinton as well as other towns “right around the corner” from where you live. She will also share a few slides from walks included her “Easy Walks in Massachusetts, 2nd edition.” This book offers the same format about trails in an additional 16 contiguous towns west of Hopkinton. The walks in these books are all parent, grandparent, and kid-friendly, some are handicapped-accessible, and many are dog-friendly. Books are $20 each and will be available for purchase after the event. Payment via check or cash. In the event of a snowstorm, the talk will be held on Thursday, March 5, at 10AM.

Unless otherwise noted, all Hopkinton Trails Club events are free and open to the public.

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