Hello March, the month of springtime! There are a number of Trails Club events coming up.
Wednesday, March 11, 7:00PM: Monthly meeting.
Saturday, March 21, 10:00AM: Peloquin Woods walk. This is one of Hopkinton’s newest trails, on property surrounding the Cobblers Way development. While only 16 acres, it borders 70 acres of former Weston Nurseries, now Legacy Farms South, providing a connection to the large Legacy Farms trail network. The property feels much larger than it is because ¾ of the outer perimeter is adjacent to open space with no visible development. Though small, there’s a lot to see here. Because of limited parking space available at the property, we’ll carpool to/from the trail. Meet/park at the leader’s house, 28 South Mill Street.
Hopkinton town trail committee meetings (at Hopkinton Town Hall). Open to the public.
Tuesday, March 17, 7:30PM: Trails Coordination & Management Committee
Wednesday, March 18, 7:00PM: Upper Charles Trail Committee
There are also a number of other local organizations with interesting trail-related activities. Contact the hosting organization with any questions.
Saturday, March 28, 9:00AM: Hopkinton walk and soup social sponsored by the Walk ‘n Mass Volkssport Club
Unless otherwise noted, all Hopkinton Trails Club events are free and open to the public.